Our Blog

Unlocking Efficiency: Fintech Patent Success in Canada

June 18, 2024

In Canadian patent law, the determination of the “actual invention” is a relevant and necessary question in assessing patentable subject matter.  Generally, a computer is only considered part of the actual invention if running an algorithm on the computer improves the computer's efficiency (for example,…

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Canada: next hotspot for blockchain patents?

February 06, 2018

Canada has always had a large mining industry. Fully 57% of the global mining financings in 2016 were done on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV). But a new type of mining industry is setting up in Canada: Bitcoin…

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Do FinTech Patents Have a Future?

February 22, 2017

Every day brings a new flurry of articles about FinTech (“financial technology”) startups and their potential to be disruptive forces. Traditional banking and financial industry players are said to be at great risk. However, many of them have seen this coming and are preparing to defend their turf.…

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accelerated examination, accounting of profits, allowance, anticipation, artificial intelligence, assignments, blockchain, budget, confusion, copyright, costs, duty of disclosure, early disclosure, examination, filing strategies, fintech, graphical user interfaces, industrial design, inventorship, open source, opposition, patent appeal board, patent search, patentable subject matter, patents, PCT, prior use rights, promises of the patent, provisional patents, software patents, sufficient disclosure, Technological Protection Measures, TPM, trade secrets, trademarks

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